Avakin Life – 1.14.0 Beta for Google Play

Today we are opening 1.14.0 beta to a maximum of 1500 Avakin users. Many people have taken part in previous beta releases, this time it’s just as easy to get involved!

If you want to try out the beta version, then all you need to do is click on this link https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.lockwoodpublishing.avakinlife and follow the instructions.

There are a couple of things to be aware of though. The first is that as this is a beta version, you can expect things to go wrong, or not work in the intended way. The second point is that releasing the beta version is all about getting your feedback, please let us know if you find any bugs or issues.

What’s in 1.14.0?

Chat System overhaul
The Avakin Life chat system has been massively improved. It now features a sleek messenger style interface. You can also trigger private group chats by sitting together with your friends. There is also a chat colour options wheel which users have been asking for for a long time. You ask, we deliver!

New Apartment Editor
Avakins can now choose to decorate in the usual way or using the cool new thumbstick navigation system! You can also lock items in place so you don’t accidentally move them. Another feature we think you will love is the new recently purchased tab, using this feature you can easily find your latest furniture purchases while decorating your apartments!
Once you have finished decorating and have everything perfect, you can set an apartment snapshot and welcome message to make your apartment stand out from the rest.

Profile Pictures
Users can now take profile pictures of their Avakins to give their profile pages more identity!

Memory optimizations
The whole game has been massively optimised. You will notice that loading times have greatly improved, especially with in scene characters and the Marketing and News feeds.

As much as we want you to enjoy this beta experience it is all about finding bugs prior to our official 1.14.0 release. Users are encouraged to try and glitch the new features, especially associated to the new and improved Apartment Editor.

There is no incentive for signing up for this beta. However, you will be contributing to the development of the app.

Please report any bugs you may find by responding to this post but please also make sure you stick to the template as closely as possible.

Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated as always. Thanks for your assistance.


  • What is your Avakin Life username?
  • Please describe the problem you are having in as much detail as possible:
  • What were you doing in Avakin Life at the time the problem occurred?
  • Which apartment/social spot were you in at the time the problem occurred?
  • What language is your Avakin Life app set to?
  • Which Avakin Life version are you on? You can find this by tapping the settings cog. The “CLI build” number is located in the bottom left corner.
  • Which platform are you using? This could be Android, IOS, Amazon, Facebook Gameroom or Bluestacks.
  • What is your Phone or Tablet make and model? Eg: Samsung Tab 3, IPhone 5c etc.
  • What is your Android/iOS/Amazon/FB version number?
  • Are you connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or mobile data?
  • What country and city are you located in real life?