Player Safety

Thank you for your interest in player safety. 

We want Avakins to have the freedom to express themselves, whilst ensuring a safe, inclusive environment and supporting our diverse community. 

We use a combination of self-help tools, content filtering, automated detection and human moderation to keep Avakin Life safe and enjoyable for everyone.  

Message filter 

We filter in-game chat messages, usernames and any other in-game text to block inappropriate content and personal information. Messages may appear starred out, or the entire message will not appear, depending on the severity of the message. 


If someone else is posting content you don’t like or spoiling your enjoyment, the best thing to do is block them. 

Blocking means they will not be able to contact you. You won’t see messages from them and you won’t be placed in the same scene (such as Social Spots) as them. If you block someone that is a Friend, they will automatically be removed from your Friends list. 

To block another Avakin: 

  • • Tap on the player’s avatar, or name in chat, then view their profile 
  • • Select ‘Block’ 


If you believe another Avakin has broken our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, or is making you feel unsafe, you can report them to our team of moderators. 

Please help our moderators by only sending one report for each issue and make sure to choose the most accurate option when sending your report.  

Our moderators carefully review reports. We only take action against an account if we have sufficient evidence to do so.  

To report another Avakin: 

  • • Tap on the player’s avatar, or name in chat, then view their profile. Select ‘Report’ 
  • • Or, tap on the 3 lines of the individual chat line you’d like to report, then ‘Report’ 

To report an apartment: 

  • • Tap on ‘Report’ on the apartment welcome screen, or tap on the ‘i’, then ‘Report’ whilst inside the apartment.  

Avakin Life moderators and Player Support are here to help with the game and uphold our Community Guidelines. If you, or someone you are concerned about are in any danger, please call your local emergency services immediately. 

Privacy settings 

You can manage who can send you friend requests and who can send private ‘whispers’ in your Account Privacy Settings by tapping on the ‘cog’ icon. 

Safety Tips: 

  • • Choose a strong and unique password that you don’t use for other accounts. You must use at least 6 characters and we recommend using a combination of numbers, letters and special characters. 
  • • Keep your account details safe. Never share your password, even with your friends. Avakin staff will never ask you for your password. 
  • • Be careful to log out if you use a shared device and make sure to keep your email account safe. If someone can access your email account they can probably access your game accounts too. You can link your email address to your Avakin Life account in your Settings by tapping on the ‘cog’ icon or via the free rewards menu. 
  • • Be cautious if someone is asking you for your password or personal information or offering you in-game items or currency. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! 
  • • Never trust third party services that offer in-game items or currency. You can find links to the official stores at
  • • The best way to contact our Player Support team is via the Settings (cog icon) or Don’t trust other channels offering Avakin support. 

Keep your personal information personal 

We understand many people create strong friendships online, or you may be playing Avakin Life with family or friends in the offline world. So, sharing personal information is not strictly against our Community Guidelines

However, we strongly recommend you think carefully about the information you share about yourself in Avakin Life, or anywhere else online. 

Full real names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers will be filtered out, except in Age Verified spaces.